Doing what we do: Delivering exceptional work for client Co-op Solutions

Doing what we do: Delivering exceptional work for client Co-op Solutions

Blue Room Post is excited to showcase the re-brand of one of our favorite clients, Co-op Solutions, in this :60 spot for Co-op ATM Network. Co-op is a rising star in the financial world, offering fintech and thought leadership solutions in the credit union space. Check it out.

Special thanks to their VIP marketing leaders Kasey Stinson, Joanna Sutter and Brittany Levine for piloting this project. Credits: art director Diane Davis, voice artist Becky Boyd, motion graphic artist Bobby Simpson, composer Lee Sanders, sound designer Steve Gregan, and EP John Harris, (copywriter / creative director: Mark Olsen).

Institutions Are People, Too

Institutions Are People, Too

This isn’t the punch line to a joke about Citizens United. No, we’re talking about the fact that an institution isn’t a grey, faceless, monolith towering in the distance. An institution is made up of human beings – real, flesh-and-blood individuals with the same hopes and fears as personal investors, consumers, and retail clients. In fact, when it comes to messaging, institutions should be treated as normal people – just like you and me. The truth is, until humans are replaced by droids, the only thing that will ever consume our content is a warm body possessing unique motives and personality – and no travertine façade.